At Glynwood Farm Store & CSA, you will discover a delightful selection of seasonal, USDA Certified Organic produce, Animal Welfare-Approved meat and eggs, and an array of locally sourced goods from New York State. Situated on Glynwood’s picturesque 226-acre property in Cold Spring, NY, this is the premier destination in the lower Hudson Valley for families and locavores searching for wholesome, farm-fresh fare at reasonable prices.

Available meat products include:

Year-round, Glenwood offers vegetable CSA shares overflowing with 100% USDA Certified Organic produce grown on their farm. In line with their mission to make fresh, nutritious food more accessible, Glynwood CSA is proud to accept SNAP benefits for all farm products, including CSA shares, making it a convenient choice for all customers.


Glynwood Farm Is More Than Wholesome Food:

The Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming is the only food and agriculture nonprofit in the Hudson Valley working at a regional scale to transform the food system by serving the changemakers and professionals who make up that system. While their work advances local food production in the region, they also educate a national audience about efforts to regionalize food and agriculture. They are inspired by aligned work beyond the Hudson Valley’s borders. By training a generation of farm and food system professionals who care deeply about the environment and are set up for success, by educating stakeholders who can catalyze a healthy food system, by creating producer-led coalitions that pave the way for this region to be recognized as one where conscious food production thrives, and by working to get local food to every table, Glynwood fosters a regional food system that inspires other locales to follow suit.

  • Training farmers and supporting future farmers with apprenticeships, farm business incubators, land access, and workshops.
  • Providing local food for every table with CSA is a snap, food sovereignty fund, and Glynwood’s farm donations.
  • Educating stakeholders to advance regional food with Regional Food For Health, Women in Food and Agriculture, and educating culinary professionals and kitchen cultivars.
  • Building producer coalitions such as the Hudson Valley CSA Coalition, Grains and Staples, Livestock Producers Roundtable, and Cider Project.


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