Masker Orchards, nestled in the stunning Hudson Valley, has been a destination for families seeking an exceptional apple-picking experience for over a century. Just a short drive from the New York Metropolitan area, this farm is a paradise for apple enthusiasts, offering a staggering 14 varieties of apples that ripen throughout the season, promising a diverse and thrilling apple-picking experience.

At Masker Orchards, you can drive directly to the apple trees with your family and bring your picnic gear for a delightful day in the countryside. As you wander through the expansive 200-acre orchard, you can savor the crisp fall air and create cherished memories with your loved ones, making every moment count.

The panoramic views of the entire valley are genuinely awe-inspiring, especially when surrounded by the warm glow of the area’s renowned fall foliage. Masker Orchards offers more than just a pick-it-yourself apple orchard experience; it represents a cherished family tradition and an unforgettable experience that will be etched in your family’s memory for years. Embrace the beauty of nature this autumn as the apple season extends through early November.

Check the Upon Your Visit section if you’re planning a visit to Masker Orchards.

Masker Orchards Apple Ripening Schedule:

First Week of September
Prime Reds: big, solid, ruby red; beautiful white flesh, tart with hint of sweetness, for eating and salads
Macintosh: hard ripe – great for pies, eating, applesauce and salads

First – Second Week of September
Macintosh: old sturdy apples, great for pies, eating, applesauce and salads

Second – Third Week of September
Granny Smith: Fine eating, cooking – great pies
Cortland: tastes very much like the Macintosh, but slightly more tart; eating, applesauce and baking
Empire: Cross between a Macintosh and Red Delicious, sweet tart flavor; for eating and salads
Jonagold: Most popular apple in Europe; cross between Golden Delicious and Jonathan, perfect for eating
McCowan: Fine apple has Macintosh as primary parent; for eating, baking, pies, salads, applesauce

Third – Fourth Week of September
Red Delicious: Traditional favorite; for eating and salads
Sparta Macintosh: a later, firmer, redder Macintosh; eating, baking pies, salads applesauce

First – Second Week of October
Ida Reds: Big, red and juicy – a fine cooking or dessert apple; for eating, applesauce, baking, pies
Romes: Firm popular cooking apple; for eating and pies
Mutsu (Crispin): Picked in September, it has the tart flavor of the Granny Smith; picked in October, it is sweet; for eating
Golden Delicious: Usually picked before they’re ripe; for eating, baking, pies, salads, applesauce
Smoothies: A Golden Delicious type; for eating, baking, pies, salads, applesauce
Surprise: A Golden Delicious type; for eating, baking, pies, salads, applesauce

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