Peaslee Design takes great pride in building custom handcrafted furniture and cabinets. Their dedicated team ensures that every piece they create is carefully designed and meticulously crafted to meet your specific requests and requirements.

In an era when furniture is often mass-produced and lacks individuality, Peaslee Design stands out by producing exquisite pieces built to last. Their creations are meant to be cherished, passed down through generations, and even enhance the value of your property. Most importantly, these bespoke pieces reflect your vision for a warm and welcoming living space—a place to call home.

“My background combines a diverse education with a broadly based work history. I earned my BA in History from Princeton University and my MFA in Furniture Design from Rhode Island School of Design. I’ve worked for nationally renowned contract furniture manufacturing companies as well as had my own construction and cabinetmaking operations (I am intimately familiar with production on both a micro and macro level). My experience gears me to meet a client’s furnishing needs and to manage the conceptual, design and construction phases of a project to a happy conclusion.”

S. Clark Peaslee


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