Long Season Farm is dedicated to sustainable and organic farming practices. It focuses on providing a wide variety of Certified Organic seasonal vegetables even after the traditional growing season has ended. The farm can offer a diverse selection of vegetables from October through March by cultivating storage crops, cold, hardy greens, and greenhouse-grown shoots. These freshly grown veggies are available through a small winter CSA program and a few on-farm markets.

The winter CSA program at Long Season Farm emphasizes producing seasonal vegetables with minimal reliance on additional fossil fuel energy. The offerings include various roots, squashes, onions, cold, hardy field greens, and greenhouse-grown greens and shoots. Anticipate a delightful array of produce, including butternut squash, pumpkins, carrots, onions, garlic, various types of kale, collards, chard, Chinese cabbage, mustard, potatoes, winter radishes, beets, and an assortment of salad mixes cultivated in our greenhouse.


Year Around Long Season Farm Products:

Each spring, the farm comes alive with activity. Seedlings are started in the greenhouse, sowings are begun in the fields, and our overwintered crops burst with new growth. Look for abundant spinach, early radishes, and the tastiest arugula!

Heat brings us all of the fruiting vegetables: ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and more. Bunching greens are abundant, as is the weed pressure.

Everything is in season. When else can you pair a tomato harvested before the first fall freeze with chicory sweetened by frost? Fall is harvest season for a reason.

Winter is the slowest and most challenging time for fresh crops. Every leaf is precious, so more time is spent in the kitchen and less in the fields. Nothing is better than roasted roots, mashed potatoes, or braised greens.

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