
Independence Day at Schuyler Mansion In Albany

Thursday Jul/04/2024 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Free Event

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The Independence Day celebration at Schuyler Mansion takes visitors back in time to experience the 4th of July as it was celebrated in 1776. The historic site, once the home of Revolutionary War General Philip J. Schuyler, will host a series of 18th-century-inspired activities. Families and children can sign the Declaration of Independence using quill pens in the “Hands-On History” tent, participate in colonial games and crafts, and enjoy free Open House tours of the mansion. In addition, there will be a reading of the Declaration of Independence, live entertainment, 18th-century demonstrations, and free Stewart’s ice cream for all to enjoy. This old-fashioned celebration is perfect for anyone looking to experience a traditional Independence Day celebration.

Thursday, Jul/04/2024 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Event Location:
Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site
32 Catherine Street, Albany, NY 12202

 Free Event

All Ages
No Registration Required
Wheelchair Accessible

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