Revolutionary Westchester 250 strives to build awareness and excitement for the events, places, ideas and people — both the unsung and the famous — of the Revolutionary War period in Westchester County.
We collaborate with local and regional groups — heritage and historic, art and cultural, and educational — as well as libraries, veterans’ organizations, municipalities, private businesses and others — to promote heritage tourism and to enhance the general pleasure and well being of Westchester residents.
Revolutionary Westchester 250 (RW250) is a charitable not-for-profit corporation organized to further the purpose of the Semiquincentennial Commission by providing for the observance and commemoration of the pivotal role of Westchester County in the American Revolution, the founding of the United States and related events.
Since the summer of 2018, Revolutionary Westchester 250 has organized a series of popular and well-attended programs and appeared at numerous events and meetings. We are thrilled with the enthusiasm expressed by both families and history buffs who have joined us. We are fully committed to a grass roots local effort and an engagement with the many diverse voices in Westchester County.