Wellsmere Collies carefully plans eadh litter to produce intelligent, lovable, healthy, structurally sound, normal eyed dogs. Each litter is raised in the breeder’s home and has a planned program of socialization and experiences that enhance their confidence and personalities. You can call to set up an appointment for a site visit.
At 4 weeks collie pups are introduced into the pack under supervision and the pack assists in socialization and training. House breaking begins at 5 weeks and they get the idea in a couple of days. As they grow and mature (and their control gets better) they spend more and more time with the pack. After their first shot, there are several planned excursions: 1) a visit to the vet for their well puppy physical, 2) a visit to the local beauty salon where they are always oohed and ahhed over, 3) a stop at the local hardware store for more oohing and ahhing. In addition, their socialization is enhanced by exposure to lawn mowers, tv, kids, vacuum cleaners, my singing in the shower and as many experiences as possible. The commitment to good socialization produces pups that are confident, trusting and out-going.
We are 3.5 weeks old. We are walking, talking, and eating big guy food. We just moved to a bigger pen and though we…
Posted by Wellsmere Collies, Pine Plains, NY on Wednesday, June 8, 2022
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