Take Flight Aviation is the East Coast’s most prominent private Diamond Aircraft fleet operator. They offer a wide range of flight training solutions to meet your needs.

TFA operates a fleet of 18 airplanes, and a 2020 Redbird FMX full-motion advanced Flight Training Device. Their Diamond Authorized Service Center employs five full-time FAA Certified Airframe and Propulsion technicians and additional support staff, ensuring fleet aircraft and clients’ airplanes are maintained to the highest standards. With a large fleet and top-notch on-site maintenance, airplanes are always accessible for training and rental. Given the many FAA Designated Pilot Examiners we work with, check rides are consistently available.

Aircraft Rentals—Our fleet of state-of-the-art Diamond DA20s, DA40s, DA40NGs, and DA42NGs, legacy Piper Warrior IIs, and Tecnam P92s is kept in top mechanical and aesthetic condition and is an aircraft you can be proud to fly into any airport.

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Take Flight Aviation Services

Flight Training Services
Introductory Flight Information
Financing for Professional Pilot Training
Part 141 Accelerated Training Options
Zero Time to Professional Pilot Program
Private Pilot Training Program
Instrument Rating Training Program
Multi Engine Training
Commercial Pilot Training Program
Alien Flight Training
College Program
BOCES Program
Completion Courses
Garmin G1000 Transition Course
Cirrus Flight Training Center

Aircraft Rental
Training and Rental Fleet
Business Aviation Solutions
Flight Simulator
Leaseback Opportunities
The Coterie at Take Flight

Aircraft Maintenance
Every Take Flight Aviation maintenance experience far exceeds minimally-required service. They guarantee accurate and reasonable estimates, on-time completion, returning your aircraft cleaned and looking better than it arrived, and ensuring with honesty and respect that you understand what work needs to be done.

Aircraft They Service:
Diamond Aircraft- Factory Authorized
Service Center
Cirrus Aircraft
Variety of Light Sport Aircraft
Most Turboprop & Light Buisness Jets

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