The Rockland Bicycling Club hosts a variety of rides throughout the year to cater to cyclists of all levels. From casual beginner rides to more challenging road rides for advanced cyclists, the club offers diverse cycling experiences in and around Rockland County, New York. These rides cover a range of terrains, including rail trails, county streets, and scenic state parks, offering cyclists the opportunity to explore varied landscapes.

One of the club’s most unique and cherished aspects is its weekly multi-level rides. These rides are designed to bring together cyclists of different abilities, allowing everyone to enjoy the same route at their own pace. This inclusive approach not only caters to varying skill levels but also fosters a strong sense of community among members.

Furthermore, the Rockland Bicycling Club is open to all cyclists and individuals interested in cycling and bicycle advocacy. The club also provides training clinics focusing on various aspects of cycling, such as hill climbing, endurance, and sprinting. Even during the off-season, the club organizes events like the Polar Bear ride around Rockland Lake, weather permitting.

With a riding season that typically spans from late March to December, the Rockland Bicycling Club ensures that there are ample opportunities for members to engage in cycling activities throughout the year. The club offers weeknight and weekend rides, making it possible for everyone, from novice cyclists to seasoned riders, to be part of the club’s vibrant community.

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