Island Girl Henna Body Art provides timeless, temporary, organic body art. Their skilled artist, a member of Henna Heals International, offers henna body art services in-studio by appointment and at various events. They can also arrange to bring their services to your location, be it for birthday parties, girls’ night parties, showers, weddings, bridal henna, public events, fairs, festivals, college student activities, corporate events, resorts, cafes, salons, spas, fundraisers, and more throughout New York and other regions.

Henna body art, also known as henna tattoos or temporary tattoos, is a fun and pain-free form of body art. No needles are involved in the process. Henna is applied to the skin, like cake decorating, without using stencils. The application can be so gentle that it may even tickle! After the paste is applied, it’s removed, leaving behind a stain lasting from a few days up to a few weeks. The henna stain is temporary, reaching its darkest color 36-48 hours after application and gradually fading as the skin naturally exfoliates.

The Island Girl Henna Body Art artist is deeply committed to using natural, green henna and other safe ingredients. Their henna motto is “Stay safe – go green!” This dedication to safety and quality ensures clients enjoy their henna body art experience without worries.


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