Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is a creative hub and showcases world-class artists in various fields such as dance, theater, music, film, spoken and written word, and culinary and visual arts. The facility offers extraordinary studios, an indoor black box theater with a performance floor the size of the Metropolitan Opera, an outdoor stage, and housing at The Dancers’ Inn and Artist Gatehouse. Additionally, there is living space available at the Artist Farmhouse. These facilities provide an ideal and picturesque setting for artists to pursue their creative endeavors and achieve success.

The visionary founders of Kaatsbaan developed the organization to support a diverse range of artists and artistic disciplines through ambitious projects. With new leadership, Kaatsbaan has furthered its mission by forming partnerships with acclaimed artists and companies to enhance its creative programming, residencies, performances, and festivals.

Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is committed to nurturing the next generation of artists by providing exceptional educational programs. For over 20 years, the Kaatsbaan Ballet Intensive (KBI) has offered a unique summer ballet program directed by Paloma Herrera, previously led by Stella Abrera and Martine van Hamel. Additionally, Kaatsbaan now provides year-round dance classes and workshops for professional and pre-professional ballet dancers as well as movement training for community members of all ages and abilities.


Kaatsbaan Studio Theatre
All performances take place in the Kaatsbaan Studio Theatre. The theatre has a 160 seats with a performance floor the size of the stage at the Metropolitan Opera. Each audience member is guaranteed an excellent seat and an intimate dance experience.

Kaatsbaan International Dance Center was designed to provide national and international dance companies, choreographers, and all dance artists with an affordable year-round facility to experiment, create, rehearse, perform, showcase new work, train, and develop new sets, costumes, and productions. It serves as a year-round campus where dance artists may interact as a diverse community designed to stimulate the development and growth of dance as an art form.

The vision of Kaatsbaan, Dutch for “playing field,” is not just a facility but a unique dream factory for the creative process…a playing field for the imagination. It’s a place where your wildest artistic dreams can come to life.

View the Kaatsbaan Cultural Park calendar.

The vision of Kaatsbaan Cultural Park includes:

• 7 professional dance studios,
• accommodations for 90 dancers and dance related artists,
• a lodge, dining hall, and conference room complex,
• a 160 seat studio workshop theater,
• a 1,200 seat performance theater equipped for video production,
• a visitors’ center with retail shops and exhibition galleries and
• a set and costume production facility named after designer Oliver Smith.


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